Patagonian International Marathon Facebook Pixel Map & Elevation Profile – Patagonian International Marathon®

Map & Elevation Profile


Commune Torres del Paine
42K - 21K - 10K | 13th Edition
Patagonia, Chile
PIM Event Flags

Patagonian International Marathon® takes place in the extreme south of the American continent, at 51° south latitude, in a privileged location of Western Patagonia, located to the east of the Great Southern Ice Field and in the surroundings of Torres del Paine National Park. The race zone is approximately 100 km to the north of Puerto Natales.

In this satellite image you can visualize the geographical surroundings, the race route, the access roads to the race zone and a few other places that may be of interest to you:


Patagonian International Marathon Map 2025 Patagonia, Chile 900px

Elevation Profile & Aid Stations 2025

42K – 21K – 10K


10K 21K 42K
Total Distance (km) 10.5 20.2 42.2
Total Distance (miles) 6.5 12.6 26.2
Ascent(+) 140m 450m 1,020m
Descent(-) 350m 460m 920m
Maximum Altitude 351 masl 351 masl 351 masl
Maximum Race Time 3 hrs 6 hrs 7 hrs
Starting Line To be confirmed To be confirmed To be confirmed
Starting Time (Day/Time) 6 Sep / 10:00 6 Sep / 11:00 6 Sep / 10:00
Cut-Off Schedule
Finish Line Sector Serrano
Aid Stations (PAS)* 3 5 8
Awards Ceremony Finish Line Finish Line Finish Line
* The Starting Line and Finish Line are both considered as a PAS.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: The content included in the table is preliminary and subject to change. It could be modified over the coming months.

Calculate your race time and plan your training

Our partners Soy Maratonista and Running.COACH offer a prognostic tool to predict race times based on route elevation, which will ultimately provide you with kilometer-by-kilometer table to accurately see your split times and help you plan a race strategy to achieve your best performance.

In addition, they have personalized plans that take additional factors into consideration, such as physical fitness, goals/objectives and race characteristics. For our event, they a special offer of a 15-day trial and a 50% discount.

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