Patagonian International Marathon Facebook Pixel Categories & Classification – Patagonian International Marathon®

Categories & Classification


Commune Torres del Paine
42K - 21K - 10K | 13th Edition
Patagonia, Chile
PIM Event Flags

For each race distance, the participants will be awarded according to both their final time and race category, which is defined by a participant’s age. The categories have been named in recognition of the natural environment in which Patagonian International Marathon® takes place; the assigned names correspond to the fauna that inhabit or have inhabited the zone. Please keep in mind that the awards ceremony will take place on the same day of the event at the Finish Line.

Category Age Range: Men Age Range: Women
Hares 16 – 17 (10K Only) 16 – 17 (10K Only)
Guanacos 18 – 29 18 – 29
Pumas 30 – 39 30 – 39
Huemules 40 – 49 40 – 49
Foxes 50 – 59 50 – 59
Condors 60 – 69 60 – 69
Mylodones 70 + 70 +
Horned Owls Inclusive, physical disability Inclusive, physical disability
The categories have been named in recognition of the natural environment in which the race takes place. The names used are from the surrounding wildlife. See more details in Article 6 of the Rules and Regulations.

Category Liebres Hares
Category Guanacos
Category Pumas
Category Huemules
Category Zorros Foxes
Category Condores
Category Milodones Mylodones
Category Tucuqueres Horned Owls

Illustrations by Elvis Antonio Salazar (@elviscelanius).

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