Patagonian International Marathon Facebook Pixel Upload – Patagonian International Marathon®



Commune Torres del Paine
42K - 21K - 10K | 13th Edition
Patagonia, Chile
PIM Event Flags

In order to participate in Patagonian International Marathon®, runners must comply with and complete all of the following by no later than 30 August, 2024:

  • Complete the following medical form provided by the Organization.
  • Send the following two documents to the organization, which can both be downloaded here, by using the ‘Upload Button’ below or you will not be allowed to participate in the event:
    1. Present a medical certificate stating adequate and sufficient health to run your specific race distance.
    2. Sign the event’s liability waiver & release form.

Deadline to submit these documents is Friday, 30 August, 2024!

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